
This is the village where I live

Friday, March 18, 2011

Where do I begin

      I love this little country of mine foibles and all but with recession biting and "The Celtic Tiger" long gone times are hard for us all.It is difficult to find employment , I am lucky that all my daughters are still living in various parts of the country three working and two at college.I think I can speak for most people in the country when I say that we are tired of talking about banks and developers,the Government cannot solve our problems it must begin at a local level and this is where my interest lies.What can we as a community do for ourselves to bring about change not only in our economy but what can we do for one another.There is a term in Irish called "Meithil" it means team work or a co-operative labour system used in rural Ireland where farmers lend support to their neighbours as the need arises.Meithil is the expression of everyday community spirit.We need to return to these tried and tested method of building communities and self relience.My local "farmers market" is thriving and I for one like to support my local farmers in these economically difficult times.We must become more locally foucsed building supports for the needy in our communities and lending a helping hand

Cahir Farmers Market